The Third Term Project is a think-tank devoted to getting President Donald J Trump his rightful third term in office.
The Basis
President Donald Trump's mandate to drain the swamp is a momentous task. The entrenched power in the federal bureaucracy is incredible. The impediments from the corrupt Congress, fake news media, unelected and unaccountable judges, lobbyists, special interests, etc. will be massive.
These forces will be working together to stall, drag their feet, and beat the clock before Trump's four-year term ends. Trump is limited not because of his ability, but because of arbitrary length restrictions placed on his ability to govern.
The Founding Fathers never put term limits into the Constitution for a reason. They knew that there may come a time when a leader would rise with the steadfast will to restore the liberty of the people. George Washington left on his own volition. He was not removed via arbitrary mandate.
President Trump is the leader that the Founding Fathers knew would arise and whose ability to restore liberty should not be restricted. This is why it is imperative that the Third-Term Project is successful.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt served four terms in office. Regardless of how you may feel about his policies, FDR is considered one of the most consequential and significant presidents in American history. FDR's policies still impact America to this very day. Trump's ability to change the country for generations to come will only be magnified with more time in office, and another opportunity may not come around for these changes to be made with America on the precipice of bankruptcy, demographic decline and despair.
Even the experts ADMIT that it can be done. So we must make it a reality. The Trump era must go three terms in order to secure the MAGA agenda and put the country on the trajectory for national greatness for the next one-hundred years.
Join our effort, spread awareness and let's make the third term a reality.
How It Can Be Done
"It could theoretically happen." - Stanford University law professor Michael McConnell, constitutional law specialist.
Article V Convention: The Article V Convention can be called by the states to amend the U.S. Constitution and change the unfair 22nd Amendment. All Republicans at the state level must publicly get behind the third-term project.
Constitutional Amendment: The U.S. Constitution can be amended by an act of Congress. Republicans must publicly get behind the third-term project.
Running as Vice President: President Trump can run as Vice President with a space filler as President in 2028. Perhaps Donald Trump Jr. could run on a Trump/Trump ticket before gracefully resigning on Jan. 21, 2028 after securing victory. This plan while unorthodox would show that MAGA cannot be stopped by any procedural rule.
Supreme Court Ruling: The 22nd Amendment bans anyone from serving two terms in office, but it is not clear if that refers. There are legal challenges in the works to clear up the ambiguity regarding the 22nd Amendment. The conservative rule-of-law justices on the Supreme Court would be able to settle this once and for all, making it clear that the 22nd Amendment would allow Trump a third term as it would only be his second consecutive term.
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